Welcome - Welkom
at the website of
The Holland Club of the Tampa Bay Area
since 1973
Dedicated to keeping alive the spirit, culture and knowledge of Holland in the Tampa Bay area
The Hollandclub of the Tampa Bay area, Inc. is a Not-For-Profit organization that brings together people of Dutch origin as well as
individuals interested in Dutch culture for the purpose of promoting fellowship, embracing personal and professional development
and encouraging community involvement.
Our mission is to uphold the longstanding friendship that exists between the United States and the Netherlands.
For more than 400 years, the Netherlands and the United States have been joined by the values of freedom, justice and an entrepreneurial spirit. A vibrant economic force, the Netherlands is a fixture in the top 5 of largest investors in the US and maintains the number one destination for American foreign investments. The Royal Netherlands Embassy, Dutch Consulates General and Honorary Consuls in the U.S. promote strong bilateral relations between the United States and the Netherlands in the areas of peace and stability; international law; energy and climate; water management; international human rights; and creative industries. The Netherlands and the United States: a partnership that works.
at the website of
The Holland Club of the Tampa Bay Area
since 1973
Dedicated to keeping alive the spirit, culture and knowledge of Holland in the Tampa Bay area
The Hollandclub of the Tampa Bay area, Inc. is a Not-For-Profit organization that brings together people of Dutch origin as well as
individuals interested in Dutch culture for the purpose of promoting fellowship, embracing personal and professional development
and encouraging community involvement.
Our mission is to uphold the longstanding friendship that exists between the United States and the Netherlands.
For more than 400 years, the Netherlands and the United States have been joined by the values of freedom, justice and an entrepreneurial spirit. A vibrant economic force, the Netherlands is a fixture in the top 5 of largest investors in the US and maintains the number one destination for American foreign investments. The Royal Netherlands Embassy, Dutch Consulates General and Honorary Consuls in the U.S. promote strong bilateral relations between the United States and the Netherlands in the areas of peace and stability; international law; energy and climate; water management; international human rights; and creative industries. The Netherlands and the United States: a partnership that works.
Meetings for 2024-2025:
Our Next Meetings are:
Jan 12 — New Year’s
Mar 2 — Rijsttafel
Apr 27 — Koningsdag
All meetings start at 3:30 pm at Compton Park.
16101 Compton Dr, Tampa, FL 33647
🎉 You're Invited to Celebrate the New Year! 🎉
Dear Friends/Members,
Join us as we ring in the New Year with a toast, fun activities, and exciting announcements! Here's what we have planned:
📅 Date: Sunday, January 12
🕒 Time: 3:30 pm
3:45 PM: Countdown and New Year's Toast, followed by announcements regarding nominations and elections for a new Board.
4:15 PM: Enjoy delicious treats, drinks, and mingle before the raffle gift exchange.
📍 Location: 16101 Compton Dr, Tampa, FL 33647-1078
This year's New Year's game is a Regifting Raffle!
🛍️ What to bring: A new or like-new item (preferably in its original packaging) for the raffle, plus a snack to share.
🎟️ Raffle tickets: You will receive one raffle ticket if you bring something for the raffle. If you want to increase your luck, raffle tickets can be bought for a $1 or 6 for $5.
The Club will provide:
Sparkling cider
Save the Dates for Future Events:
📅 March 2nd: Meeting featuring "Rijsttafel" and a "Puzzle Exchange."
📅 April 27th: Celebrate King's Day at our final meeting before the recess!
We can't wait to toast to the New Year, enjoy a fun-filled raffle, and share these special moments with you. See you there!
Warm wishes,
The Board
Sinterklaas 2024
*** Cancelled *** October 13th Holland Club Meeting
Good afternoon,
You have been sent this e-mail on behalf of the Holland Club of Tampa Bay.
During our Annual Board Meeting on 9/15/2024 there were many issues discussed and we have proposed a new yearly dues structure along with other action items.
Dues will be paid as close to or on the Annual Board Meeting date, first meeting of the new season.
Dues are now $25 (single) or $35 (family).
Meeting fees will be additional:
$5/Sinterklaas and $5/Koningsdag for Single Members
$10/Sinterklaas and $10/Koningsdag for Family Members
Non-members pay $10 per person/per meeting attended.
Children are always free.
We need new board members to take over the President position for the 24/25 season as well as Vice-President and Secretary position for the 25/26 season.
We will be scrubbing the database this season as well. If you would like to continue getting e-mail invitations for the events, please send your annual dues with a new membership application to:
Kim Haag
C/O Holland Club of Tampa Bay
13412 N. Lincoln Ave
Tampa, FL 33618-2522
If you would like to be removed from the database, please send an e-mail with your contact information to [email protected]. At the end of the 24/25 season whoever has not paid for their membership or asked to be removed, will be removed from the database.
Our Next Meetings are:
Oct 13 — To be determined - send ideas to: [email protected] by 10/1/24.
Nov 24 — Sinterklaas
Jan 12 — New Year’s
Mar 2 — Rijsttafel
Apr 27 — Koningsdag
All meetings start at 3:30 pm at Compton Park.
16101 Compton Dr, Tampa, FL 33647
We are looking forward to doing another Harbor Trip this year, as well as having members host “borreltjes” at their homes. Sinterklaas will hopefully make his annual trip to Florida and Koningsdag will be as big a party as it has been in the past.
Looking forward to seeing you at the next Holland Club of Tampa Bay meeting.
The Board of the Holland Club of Tampa Bay.
Below is the new membership application.
You have been sent this e-mail on behalf of the Holland Club of Tampa Bay.
During our Annual Board Meeting on 9/15/2024 there were many issues discussed and we have proposed a new yearly dues structure along with other action items.
Dues will be paid as close to or on the Annual Board Meeting date, first meeting of the new season.
Dues are now $25 (single) or $35 (family).
Meeting fees will be additional:
$5/Sinterklaas and $5/Koningsdag for Single Members
$10/Sinterklaas and $10/Koningsdag for Family Members
Non-members pay $10 per person/per meeting attended.
Children are always free.
We need new board members to take over the President position for the 24/25 season as well as Vice-President and Secretary position for the 25/26 season.
We will be scrubbing the database this season as well. If you would like to continue getting e-mail invitations for the events, please send your annual dues with a new membership application to:
Kim Haag
C/O Holland Club of Tampa Bay
13412 N. Lincoln Ave
Tampa, FL 33618-2522
If you would like to be removed from the database, please send an e-mail with your contact information to [email protected]. At the end of the 24/25 season whoever has not paid for their membership or asked to be removed, will be removed from the database.
Our Next Meetings are:
Oct 13 — To be determined - send ideas to: [email protected] by 10/1/24.
Nov 24 — Sinterklaas
Jan 12 — New Year’s
Mar 2 — Rijsttafel
Apr 27 — Koningsdag
All meetings start at 3:30 pm at Compton Park.
16101 Compton Dr, Tampa, FL 33647
We are looking forward to doing another Harbor Trip this year, as well as having members host “borreltjes” at their homes. Sinterklaas will hopefully make his annual trip to Florida and Koningsdag will be as big a party as it has been in the past.
Looking forward to seeing you at the next Holland Club of Tampa Bay meeting.
The Board of the Holland Club of Tampa Bay.
Below is the new membership application.

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Members of the Board of Directors. 23/24 and 24/25.
RSVP Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdGFch7-hgMLx0zFT9wdMU9kFIhW2ZAMAx8Fv3lsdBBZxoTvg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

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Beste leden,
Nog maar 100 dagen en we hebben onze Ledenvergadering! Hoewel dit nog ver weg lijkt, is de tijd rijp om hierover na te denken i.v.m. met belangrijke veranderingen. Op 2 oktober zullen we Mieke bedanken voor haar enorme inspanningen en zullen we haar fantastische werk, leiderschap, en jarenlange toewijding vieren. We zullen ook Eric bedanken voor zijn enorme inzet en hulp. Mieke en Eric roteren beide uit het bestuur, terwijl Barbara, Kim, en Arjan zich verkiesbaar stellen voor een nieuw jaar. Dit betekent dat we op zoek zijn naar nieuwe bestuursleden! Overweeg daarom om u beschikbaar te stellen: de Club kan uw energie, ideeen en leiderschap goed gebruiken. Neem aub contact op met een bestuurslid indien uw interesse geprikkeld is; we moedigen u sterk aan om u verkiesbaar te stellen en de Club te verrijken met uw talenten.
Dear Members,
In only 100 days we'll have our General Meeting! While this may seem very far away, there will be some important changes to think about. On October 2 we will thank Mieke for her tremendous service, and celebrate her steadfast leadership, time, effort and years-long unwavering dedication to the Club. We will also thank Eric for all his extraordinary support, time and energy. Both Mieke and Eric will rotate out of the Board, while Barbara, Kim, and Arjan are willing to serve another year if elected. That means that we are looking for new Board members! Please consider donating your time and talents - the Club would greatly benefit from your ideas, energy, and leadership. Please contact a current Board member if interested; we strongly encourage you to put your name up for vote.
Nog maar 100 dagen en we hebben onze Ledenvergadering! Hoewel dit nog ver weg lijkt, is de tijd rijp om hierover na te denken i.v.m. met belangrijke veranderingen. Op 2 oktober zullen we Mieke bedanken voor haar enorme inspanningen en zullen we haar fantastische werk, leiderschap, en jarenlange toewijding vieren. We zullen ook Eric bedanken voor zijn enorme inzet en hulp. Mieke en Eric roteren beide uit het bestuur, terwijl Barbara, Kim, en Arjan zich verkiesbaar stellen voor een nieuw jaar. Dit betekent dat we op zoek zijn naar nieuwe bestuursleden! Overweeg daarom om u beschikbaar te stellen: de Club kan uw energie, ideeen en leiderschap goed gebruiken. Neem aub contact op met een bestuurslid indien uw interesse geprikkeld is; we moedigen u sterk aan om u verkiesbaar te stellen en de Club te verrijken met uw talenten.
Dear Members,
In only 100 days we'll have our General Meeting! While this may seem very far away, there will be some important changes to think about. On October 2 we will thank Mieke for her tremendous service, and celebrate her steadfast leadership, time, effort and years-long unwavering dedication to the Club. We will also thank Eric for all his extraordinary support, time and energy. Both Mieke and Eric will rotate out of the Board, while Barbara, Kim, and Arjan are willing to serve another year if elected. That means that we are looking for new Board members! Please consider donating your time and talents - the Club would greatly benefit from your ideas, energy, and leadership. Please contact a current Board member if interested; we strongly encourage you to put your name up for vote.
KINGS DAY 2021 Pictures.
Fall 2022 Newsletter

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Spring/Summer 2022 Newsletter

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January/February 2022 News letter

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Winter 2021 News letter

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Fall 2021 News letter

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Summer 2021 News letter
April 2021 News letter

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February 2021 News letter

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November 2020 News letter

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September 2020 News letter
August 2020 News letter

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July 2020 News letter

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May 2020 News letter

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Dear Member,
Mieke has called several members and we are pleased to tell you our members are healthy or getting back to good health. All of us are missing contact so we hope to be able to get together on June 14 in Compton Park. We still have the space reserved so we will keep you informed about that option.
Our General meeting is scheduled for August 30. To prepare for that meeting and voting a new board, please click on this link to get access to a form we like you to sign. We have received 7 responses so far.
Stay safe and stay healthy!
Your Board of your Holland Club of Tampa Bay
Mieke has called several members and we are pleased to tell you our members are healthy or getting back to good health. All of us are missing contact so we hope to be able to get together on June 14 in Compton Park. We still have the space reserved so we will keep you informed about that option.
Our General meeting is scheduled for August 30. To prepare for that meeting and voting a new board, please click on this link to get access to a form we like you to sign. We have received 7 responses so far.
Stay safe and stay healthy!
Your Board of your Holland Club of Tampa Bay
Pictures from our March 1st 2021 meeting.
Pictures from our January 26 2021 - New Year reception with oliebollen, appelflappen and champagne in the Azalea room meeting.
Aan onze leden van de Holland Club of Tampa Bay:
Ik wilde hierbij iedereen bedanken voor een succesvol jaar van onze Club.
Iedereen die meegeholpen heeft om iedere bijeenkomst gezellig te laten verlopen.
Eric en Mirjam van Hofwegen voor hun hulp met drankjes en bevoorrading
Barbara ten Have voor haar inzet als secretaresse
Chris van Leeuwen voor zijn inzet als penningmeester
Johanna Wieringa voor haar inzet met erwtensoep, hachee, bitterballen etc, altijd bereid om te helpen
Gerard den Uijl voor de maandelijkse heerlijke boterkoek
Corrie Emmons voor haar bijdrage aan onze kas met verkoop van haar mooie sieraden.
I wanted to thank all our members for a successful year of our Club
Everyone who helped make every meeting a nice event:
Eric and Mirjam van Hofwegen for their help with drinks and supplies
Barbara ten Have for her work as secretary
Chris van Leeuwen for his effort as treasurer
Johanna Wieringa for her effort with hachee, erwtensoup, oliebollen, bitterballen etc, always ready to help !
Gerard den Uijl for his monthly contributions of the delicious boterkoek
Corrie Emmons for her contribution to our Club account with the sale of her beautiful jewelry.
…And everyone who helped with making our Holland Club of Tampa Bay a lively club where everyone can experience a little bit of the Netherlands.
See you in September !
Els Wiemken
Interim President of the Holland Club of Tampa Bay
Ik wilde hierbij iedereen bedanken voor een succesvol jaar van onze Club.
Iedereen die meegeholpen heeft om iedere bijeenkomst gezellig te laten verlopen.
Eric en Mirjam van Hofwegen voor hun hulp met drankjes en bevoorrading
Barbara ten Have voor haar inzet als secretaresse
Chris van Leeuwen voor zijn inzet als penningmeester
Johanna Wieringa voor haar inzet met erwtensoep, hachee, bitterballen etc, altijd bereid om te helpen
Gerard den Uijl voor de maandelijkse heerlijke boterkoek
Corrie Emmons voor haar bijdrage aan onze kas met verkoop van haar mooie sieraden.
I wanted to thank all our members for a successful year of our Club
Everyone who helped make every meeting a nice event:
Eric and Mirjam van Hofwegen for their help with drinks and supplies
Barbara ten Have for her work as secretary
Chris van Leeuwen for his effort as treasurer
Johanna Wieringa for her effort with hachee, erwtensoup, oliebollen, bitterballen etc, always ready to help !
Gerard den Uijl for his monthly contributions of the delicious boterkoek
Corrie Emmons for her contribution to our Club account with the sale of her beautiful jewelry.
…And everyone who helped with making our Holland Club of Tampa Bay a lively club where everyone can experience a little bit of the Netherlands.
See you in September !
Els Wiemken
Interim President of the Holland Club of Tampa Bay
2019 Board of Director's Meeting.
New Year Celebration Happy 2019 !!
Sinterklaas 2018

You are invited
to celebrate my BIRTHDAY on
Sunday, December 2, 2018 beginning at 2:00 PM
At the Compton Park Recreation Building, 16101 Compton Drive, Tampa, FL 33647
Erwtensoep, broodjes ham/kaas, speculaas, coffee, and non-alcoholic beverages.
A small fee is charged at $5.00 p.p.
Children free
ADULTS are requested to bring a small gift to be pooled (no name) for the "other adult" in order that each person will get a gift from St.Nikolaas.
· LADIES will bring a "ladies gift" wrapped in red or with a red sticker so that St.Nikolaas can distinguish it from gifts for men.
· MEN will bring a "man's-gift" to be wrapped anyway you want except using the color red. (Ladies only)
· CHILDREN will receive a gift brought along by their parents for their own child, clearly marked with their name.
· St.Nikolaas expects a small poem/report (typed if possible) for his Big Red Book with information about the conduct of your child. Reward or punishment will follow for your "loved-one" with utter disregard of Freud. Parents please note the underlining of “small”.
One more thing, Sinterklaas would be very happy if you could bring a salad or desert.

Sunday, November 4th, 2PM – 4PM – Dutch American Heritage Day and our First Dutch Soup Cook-off
Be original, bring a crock pot with your favorite soup. Wine, cheese and crackers are also welcome!
Compton Park Club House, 16101 Compton Drive, Tampa FL 33647
Kim Haag has requested Canned food items for the Metropolitan Ministries.
Be original, bring a crock pot with your favorite soup. Wine, cheese and crackers are also welcome!
Compton Park Club House, 16101 Compton Drive, Tampa FL 33647
Kim Haag has requested Canned food items for the Metropolitan Ministries.
October 7th Leids Ontzet Feest / Party - what an amazing time we had eating Hutspot met Hachee. We saw some new faces and even had some little ones join us. We learned all about how the American Thanksgiving came to be from Peter and all had a great laugh while enjoying great food and each others company.
Sinterklaas kwam op 4 December naar Tampa en trof een 'full house' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

On Sunday, February 7, 2016, from 2:00 till 5:00 PM.
at the Compton Park Recreation Building,16101 Compton Drive, Tampa, FL
Agenda of the General Meeting to begin @ 2:30 PM
1.Opening by the President
2.Treasurer's report
3.Secretary's report
4.Election of the board for 2016; nominations may be made from the floor
5.Opening by the President & installation of the board
6.Open discussion (rondvraag)

Januari 10, New Year's Reception. De oliebollen gingen erin als koek en de appelflappen waren niet aan te slepen. Kortom, de aanwezigen toonden een gezonde eetlust. Het was gezellig en de 'kent u Nederland -quiz' olv quiz-master Mieke was een schot in de roos. Perfect begin van 2016.

Just published, the latest issue of 'Tulip Talk' with lots of interesting stories and news. (see Tulip Talk)
Just published, the latest issue of 'Tulip Talk' with lots of interesting stories and news. (see Tulip Talk)

Sunday October 18, from 2-5 pm
Het Ontzet van Leiden / The Siege of Leiden
We like to keep this victory alive... and want you to come out and enjoy the traditional home-cooked Hodgepodge (Hutspot) and Hachee at Compton Park Recreation building, 16101 Compton Drive, Tampa 33647 (phone 813-972-0897)
The Siege of Leiden occurred during the "Eighty Years War" in 1574 when the Spanish attempted to capture the rebellious city of Leiden, (South Holland) and ultimately failed.
We ask a fee of $ 5.- p.p. for the food. Children eat free. If possible bring a "craft" beer (or 2) to share, because like in those days, beer was safer to drink than water! The club will serve complimentary coffee and soft drinks.
To finish the meal, bring a dessert of choice to share.
Het Ontzet van Leiden / The Siege of Leiden
We like to keep this victory alive... and want you to come out and enjoy the traditional home-cooked Hodgepodge (Hutspot) and Hachee at Compton Park Recreation building, 16101 Compton Drive, Tampa 33647 (phone 813-972-0897)
The Siege of Leiden occurred during the "Eighty Years War" in 1574 when the Spanish attempted to capture the rebellious city of Leiden, (South Holland) and ultimately failed.
We ask a fee of $ 5.- p.p. for the food. Children eat free. If possible bring a "craft" beer (or 2) to share, because like in those days, beer was safer to drink than water! The club will serve complimentary coffee and soft drinks.
To finish the meal, bring a dessert of choice to share.
September 13 Potluck..
Great food, happy faces and a lot of new members attented the September 13 'Potluck' event, our first meet after the summer-break.
Great food, happy faces and a lot of new members attented the September 13 'Potluck' event, our first meet after the summer-break.

Adrie de Vries overleden
Op 22 juli is Adrie (Adriana) de Vries na een kort ziekbed in haar woning in Dunedin overleden. Ze was 93 jaar oud en een zeer gewaardeerd en markant lid van onze Holland Club Tampa Bay.
Sinds een paar maanden kampte ze met gezondheidsproblemen. De laatste keer dat we van haar aanwezigheid mochten genieten, was tijdens de ledenvergadering in februari.
Adrie is maandag 27 juli. ter aarde besteld op het Sylvan Abbey Memorial Park, 2853 Sunset Point Rd. in Clearwater, FL 33759.
Adrie (Adriana) De Vries passed away at her home in Dunedin on July 22. She was 93 years old and a long time member of the Holland Club of the Tampa Bay area.
Born in Holland (Brabant) Adrie was a strong woman. However since a few months she had some health issues. The very last time we saw her at the Holland Club was in February at our general meeting.
Adrie's funeral was on Monday, July 27, at the Sylvan Abbey Memorial, 2853 Sunset Point Rd. in Clearwater, FL 33759.
Op 22 juli is Adrie (Adriana) de Vries na een kort ziekbed in haar woning in Dunedin overleden. Ze was 93 jaar oud en een zeer gewaardeerd en markant lid van onze Holland Club Tampa Bay.
Sinds een paar maanden kampte ze met gezondheidsproblemen. De laatste keer dat we van haar aanwezigheid mochten genieten, was tijdens de ledenvergadering in februari.
Adrie is maandag 27 juli. ter aarde besteld op het Sylvan Abbey Memorial Park, 2853 Sunset Point Rd. in Clearwater, FL 33759.
Adrie (Adriana) De Vries passed away at her home in Dunedin on July 22. She was 93 years old and a long time member of the Holland Club of the Tampa Bay area.
Born in Holland (Brabant) Adrie was a strong woman. However since a few months she had some health issues. The very last time we saw her at the Holland Club was in February at our general meeting.
Adrie's funeral was on Monday, July 27, at the Sylvan Abbey Memorial, 2853 Sunset Point Rd. in Clearwater, FL 33759.

Dutch writer and historian Mark Zegeling did a fantastic presentation of his new book ‘Little Kingdom by the Sea’, a Celebration of Dutch Cultural Heritage & Architecture'. Mark and his friend Eric Borger are on a 15 city tour through the US (and Canada) during the month of May. His book is about the colorful stories of the people who lived in 17th century monuments of which KLM Royal Dutch Airlines made Delft Blue miniatures. These souvenirs (i.e. houses from Anne Frank, Rembrandt and Mata Hari) are given to First Class and Business Class passengers since the 1950's ( about 850.000 replicas every year). Zegeling is the first author who wrote a book about the subject. Anyway about 35 members of our club had a great time, hearing Mark's lecture
Dutch writer and historian Mark Zegeling did a fantastic presentation of his new book ‘Little Kingdom by the Sea’, a Celebration of Dutch Cultural Heritage & Architecture'. Mark and his friend Eric Borger are on a 15 city tour through the US (and Canada) during the month of May. His book is about the colorful stories of the people who lived in 17th century monuments of which KLM Royal Dutch Airlines made Delft Blue miniatures. These souvenirs (i.e. houses from Anne Frank, Rembrandt and Mata Hari) are given to First Class and Business Class passengers since the 1950's ( about 850.000 replicas every year). Zegeling is the first author who wrote a book about the subject. Anyway about 35 members of our club had a great time, hearing Mark's lecture

NO MORE PASSPORTS AT ORLANDO CONSULATE STARTING JULY 1. - “The Dutch Consulate in Orlando will discontinue its consular services as per July 1st 2015. From that date on-wards renewal of passports as well as Visa application needs to be done at the Consulate in Miami or the Embassy in Washington. Another option for renewal of passports is in the Netherlands at Schiphol airport. The consulate is considering to visit Tampa in the month of August with a mobile passport station for 1 or 2 days to allow Dutch citizens to renew their passport then. When that decision is made and a date is known the Holland club in Tampa will be notified.”

Barbecue at Compton Park
March 8
Thanks to Peter and Kim 's perfect barbecue-set we had a blast with freshly cooked burgers and hotdogs. There was also a real dog who behaved neatly and was taken care of by 2 young ladies. Those who were not there missed a great picnic!
March 8
Thanks to Peter and Kim 's perfect barbecue-set we had a blast with freshly cooked burgers and hotdogs. There was also a real dog who behaved neatly and was taken care of by 2 young ladies. Those who were not there missed a great picnic!

The brand new 'banquet' room of Compton Park RecreationCenter was the backdrop for our GENERAL MEETING & NASI GORENG DINNER. After the board was re-elected everybody enjoyed the Nasi, Satai, Kroepoek, Adjar and other ingredients of the world-famous Dutch Oriental 'cuisine'. A lot of new members came out and needles to say everyone had a fantastic time.
- January 11, New Year's reception
- Happy faces, oliebollen, appelflappen and champagne were the main ingredients of a great start of 2015
Poffertjes gingen er in als koek
A lot of Holland Club members attended the 2014 Coalition International Night on December 11 in hangar 3 at MacDill Air Force Base.. More than 55 countries are assisting the US in the fight against terrorism. Once a year the military representatives offer their culinary delights and show some of their culture in an informal way. It’s a great opportunity for camaraderie, education, fun and the appreciation that their language and cultural differences serve to unify the members of the USCENTCOM coalition. It was also the first time we met NL-Airforce Colonel Tyro Verhallen, the new chief of the Dutch contingent. He and the other Dutch staff members were handing out ‘stroopwafels’ and Heineken beer. Big success were the ’poffertjes’ that were offered to the crowd. Even 4-star U.S.General Lloyd J.Austin III who is the commander-in-chief of USCENTCOM was seen hanging out in front of the Dutch booth where he shook hands with several of our Holland Club friends. Unknown is whether the high ranked officer took a bite of any ‘poffertjes’. |
SINTERKLAAS feest (St.Nicolas birthday party) was on Sunday, December 7
At the Compton Park Recreation Building, 16101 Compton Drive, Tampa, FL 33647
At the Compton Park Recreation Building, 16101 Compton Drive, Tampa, FL 33647

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paintings of Tampa Bay Holland Club member and artist Jeannette Berndsen were to be seen Saturday (Nov 22) during an exposition at the Ritz Carlton in Sarasota
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 16, Dutch-American Heritage Day + Festival of winetasting A lot of new members showed up on this Sunday in November. Extra tables had to be set-up to accommodate over 40 people who enjoyed a cozy' afternoon. They were welcomed by president Mieke Caris, who came to the meet on her Dutch bike..

Het Ontzet van Leiden / The Siege of Leiden
The home style made 'hodgepodge and stew' (hutspot & hachee) was delicious, Robert Van der Laan's speech about the 'Siege of Leiden' was first class and 28 Holland Club members had a fantastic time at the Compton Recreation Building in Tampa on Sunday, October 5. After downing a beer or two everybody was singing along the old Dutch song: 'Van voor naar achter van links naar rechts (from front to back and left to right)' it was a well spent Sunday-afternoon..... a day to remember!
The home style made 'hodgepodge and stew' (hutspot & hachee) was delicious, Robert Van der Laan's speech about the 'Siege of Leiden' was first class and 28 Holland Club members had a fantastic time at the Compton Recreation Building in Tampa on Sunday, October 5. After downing a beer or two everybody was singing along the old Dutch song: 'Van voor naar achter van links naar rechts (from front to back and left to right)' it was a well spent Sunday-afternoon..... a day to remember!

Learning the watermelon Crawl
Twenty members plus guests lined up September 7 for our very first Holland Club ‘Line-dance’ class and they liked it. It all happened at ‘EasiDance Studio’ in Tampa. “It was great and many members were very interested and participating. I saw new faces (or maybe they were existing members?) Anyway, het was heel gezellig,” said Hilda Lindner from Sun City. “We learned the Watermelon Crawl and the Salsa Linedance. Food and drinks were plenty and we had a fantastic time,” Els Wiemken from St. Pete smiled.
Photo by Babs Bodamer
Twenty members plus guests lined up September 7 for our very first Holland Club ‘Line-dance’ class and they liked it. It all happened at ‘EasiDance Studio’ in Tampa. “It was great and many members were very interested and participating. I saw new faces (or maybe they were existing members?) Anyway, het was heel gezellig,” said Hilda Lindner from Sun City. “We learned the Watermelon Crawl and the Salsa Linedance. Food and drinks were plenty and we had a fantastic time,” Els Wiemken from St. Pete smiled.
Photo by Babs Bodamer
Coffee Klatsch at Perkins, Sunday June 8
Sun was shining, birds were singing. Meanwhile, inside Perkins restaurant at East Fowler Ave in Tampa, 16 HC members had a great time for a chat, coffee and pastries. This was our last event before the summer break. We will meet again on Sept 7
Sun was shining, birds were singing. Meanwhile, inside Perkins restaurant at East Fowler Ave in Tampa, 16 HC members had a great time for a chat, coffee and pastries. This was our last event before the summer break. We will meet again on Sept 7
King's birthday party at Duke's café Tampa, Monday April 28
Sunday, April 27 - Koningsdag - Tampa
It was a bit warm, very sunny and the food, llike herring, hamburgers, krentenbollen, kroketten and other home made dishes at our King's birthday party was first-class! Also great was the live music played by Gerard Den Uyl (mouth organ and guitar), and Glenn Caris, (saxophone) a pleasant surprise!
NL National Softball team visited St. Petersburg as part of their 2014 training camp in Florida The softball teams of Florida and the National team of the Netherlands played 2 games on at the Admiral Farragut Academy campus in St. Petersburg on Sunday, March 23. Both were won by the Dutch. This was the last game of the NL team during their 23 day training journey through Florida. The Dutch ladies are the present European champions and are preparing for the ISF World Championship Fastpitch Women's Softball 2014 which will take place in Haarlem (NL) in August of this year. The Florida team almost scored 2 home-runs but it was not their lucky day. "These Dutch softball ladies are at a different level and play like professionals," said one of the spectators. "Nice game to look at. This is really high class." Members of the Tampa Bay Holland Club were present to welcome and socialize with the softball champions.
NL National Softball team visited St. Petersburg as part of their 2014 training camp in Florida The softball teams of Florida and the National team of the Netherlands played 2 games on at the Admiral Farragut Academy campus in St. Petersburg on Sunday, March 23. Both were won by the Dutch. This was the last game of the NL team during their 23 day training journey through Florida. The Dutch ladies are the present European champions and are preparing for the ISF World Championship Fastpitch Women's Softball 2014 which will take place in Haarlem (NL) in August of this year. The Florida team almost scored 2 home-runs but it was not their lucky day. "These Dutch softball ladies are at a different level and play like professionals," said one of the spectators. "Nice game to look at. This is really high class." Members of the Tampa Bay Holland Club were present to welcome and socialize with the softball champions.
NL-paspoorten 10-jaar geldig Dutch passports 10-years valid
vanaf 10 maart worden nieuwe NL- paspoorten 10-jaar geldig. Starting March 10, new Dutch passports are going to be valid for 10-years!
more info on our website> links
NL-paspoorten 10-jaar geldig Dutch passports 10-years valid
vanaf 10 maart worden nieuwe NL- paspoorten 10-jaar geldig. Starting March 10, new Dutch passports are going to be valid for 10-years!
more info on our website> links
Great food, gorgeous weather and happy faces were the main ingredients of our picnic and barbecue at Compton Park on March 9. Over 40 members showed up and we even had some guests from New Jersey, Canada and Holland.

our annual
on Sunday, February 9, 2014, was very well attended. After the board was re-elected, president Mieke Caris had a special word of welcome for 5 new members that recently signed up. The food was great and we all had a fantastic time.
on Sunday, February 9, 2014, was very well attended. After the board was re-elected, president Mieke Caris had a special word of welcome for 5 new members that recently signed up. The food was great and we all had a fantastic time.
New Year get together on Sunday January 5 in Tampa had big turnout. Over 40 members and guests came out to the Carrollwood Recreation Center where they were treated with oliebollen, appelflappen and other great food. It was a perfect start of 2014
Sinterklaas bezoekt Hollandclub Tampa Bay
(St Nicolas visits Holland Club Tampa Bay)
Koninklijke onderscheiding voor André Steijlen
Vanwege zijn jarenlange inzet voor de Hollandclub in de Tampa Bay Area heeft koning Willem-Alexander onze oud-secretaris André Steijlen benoemd tot lid in de Orde van Oranje Nassau. Tijdens de viering van het Leids Ontzet op 13 October kwam consul Patrick Willemsen de onderscheiding namens de Majesteit opspelden. Het was een volslagen verrassing voor André die gewoon in korte broek en op sandalen naar de bijeenkomst was gekomen. Op 22 October stond het verslag van de gebeurtenis in de society rubriek (beter bekend als het Stan Huygens Journaal) van De Telegraaf |
Happy faces at September Potluck
A lot of new members showed up on September 13, our first meeting after the Summer-Break. Food was excellent, company great and everybody had a fantastic time.
A lot of new members showed up on September 13, our first meeting after the Summer-Break. Food was excellent, company great and everybody had a fantastic time.
Sunday October 18, from 2-5 pm
Het Ontzet van Leiden / The Siege of Leiden
We really do like to keep this victory alive... and want you to come out and enjoy the traditional home-cooked Hodgepodge (Hutspot) and Hachee at Compton Park Recreation building, 16101 Compton Drive, Tampa 33647 (phone 813-972-0897)
The Siege of Leiden occurred during the "Eighty Years War" (also known as de 'Tachtigjarige Oorlog') in 1574 when the Spanish attempted to capture the rebellious city of Leiden, (South Holland) and ultimately failed.
We ask a fee of $ 5.- p.p. for the food. Children eat free. If possible bring a "craft" beer (or 2) to share, because like in those days, beer was safer to drink than water! The club will serve complimentary coffee and soft drinks.
To finish the meal, bring a dessert of choice to share.
Het Ontzet van Leiden / The Siege of Leiden
We really do like to keep this victory alive... and want you to come out and enjoy the traditional home-cooked Hodgepodge (Hutspot) and Hachee at Compton Park Recreation building, 16101 Compton Drive, Tampa 33647 (phone 813-972-0897)
The Siege of Leiden occurred during the "Eighty Years War" (also known as de 'Tachtigjarige Oorlog') in 1574 when the Spanish attempted to capture the rebellious city of Leiden, (South Holland) and ultimately failed.
We ask a fee of $ 5.- p.p. for the food. Children eat free. If possible bring a "craft" beer (or 2) to share, because like in those days, beer was safer to drink than water! The club will serve complimentary coffee and soft drinks.
To finish the meal, bring a dessert of choice to share.