14th Annual Coalition International Night, MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Fl.
The Coalition of USCENTCOM currently consists of 53 countries with more than 300 military personnel,(mostly intelligence people) their families and children living in Tampa.
As a token of appreciation for our continued friendship and support, we were invited at the 14th Annual Coalition International Night in Hangar Three, MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Fl. All these countries are allies of the US in the fight against terrorism. They offered local 'cuisine' not necessarily in uniform but sometimes in native outfit, which made up for a strong 'International' touch. We snapped a few pictures, focusing this time on the Saudi Arabians who had done a lot of effort to show their food, habits as well as outfit. Visitors could have their photo taken dressed up like a real 'sheik', pretty cool and much like what happens in Volendam, where people get photographed in local fisherman costume. But there was so much more to see and eat, absolutely no need to go home with an empty stomach. Kingsday 2018

A barbecue at Compton Park
March 8
Thanks to Peter and Kim 's perfect barbecue-set we had a blast with freshly cooked burgers and hotdogs. There was also a real dog who behaved neatly and was taken care of by 2 young ladies. Those who were not there missed a great picnic!
March 8
Thanks to Peter and Kim 's perfect barbecue-set we had a blast with freshly cooked burgers and hotdogs. There was also a real dog who behaved neatly and was taken care of by 2 young ladies. Those who were not there missed a great picnic!
General Meeting + Nasi Goreng Dinner February 8, The brand new 'banquet' room of Compton Park Recr.Center was the backdrop for our NASI GORENG & GENERAL MEETING. After the board was re-elected everybody enjoyed the Nasi, Satai, Kroepoek, Adjar and other ingredients of the Oriental 'cuisine'. A lot of new members came out and everyone had a fantastic time.

January 11, New Year's reception
Happy faces, oliebollen, appelflappen and champagne were the main ingredients of a great start of 2015
Happy faces, oliebollen, appelflappen and champagne were the main ingredients of a great start of 2015
Poffertjes waren niet aan te slepen
A lot of Holland Club members attended the 2014 Coalition International Night on December 11 in hangar 3 at MacDill Air Force Base.. More than 55 countries are assisting the US in the fight against terrorism. Once a year the military representatives offer their culinary delights and show some of their culture in an informal way. It’s a great opportunity for camaraderie, education, fun and the appreciation that their language and cultural differences serve to unify the members of the USCENTCOM coalition. It was also the first time we met NL-Airforce Colonel Tyro Verhallen, the new chief of the Dutch contingent. He and the other Dutch staff members were handing out ‘stroopwafels’ and Heineken beer. Big success were the ’poffertjes’ that were offered to the crowd. Even 4-star U.S.General Lloyd J.Austin III who is the commander-in-chief of USCENTCOM was seen hanging out in front of the Dutch booth where he shook hands with several of our Holland Club friends. Unknown is whether the high ranked officer took a bite of any ‘poffertjes’. |
Dutch-American Heritage Day, Sunday, November 16
A lot of new faces at our 'Dutch-American Heritage Day' (and wine tasting opp) at the Compton Rec last Sunday (Nov 16) There were over 40 members who enjoyed a 'cozy' afternoon. They were welcomed by president Mieke Caris, who came to the meet on her Dutch 'granny' (opoe) bike..
A lot of new faces at our 'Dutch-American Heritage Day' (and wine tasting opp) at the Compton Rec last Sunday (Nov 16) There were over 40 members who enjoyed a 'cozy' afternoon. They were welcomed by president Mieke Caris, who came to the meet on her Dutch 'granny' (opoe) bike..

Het Ontzet van Leiden / The Siege of Leiden,Sunday, October 5 The home style made 'hodgepodge and stew' (hutspot & hachee) was delicious, Robert Van der Laan's speech about the 'Siege of Leiden' was first class and 28 Holland Club members had a fantastic time at the Compton Recreation Building in Tampa. After downing a beer or two everybody was singing along the old Dutch song: 'Van voor naar achter van links naar rechts (from front to back and left to right)' it was a well spent Sunday-afternoon..... a day to remember!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Learning the Watermelon Crawl, Sunday, September 7
20 members plus guests lined up September 7 for our very first Holland Club ‘Line-dance’ class and they liked it. It all happened at ‘EasiDance Studio’ in Tampa.
“It was great and many members were very interested and participating. I saw new faces (or maybe they were existing members?) Anyway, het was heel gezellig,” said Hilda Lindner from Sun City. “We learned the Watermelon Crawl and the Salsa Linedance. Food and drinks were plenty and we had a fantastic time,” Els Wiemken from St. Pete smiled. Photo's by Babs Bodamer
20 members plus guests lined up September 7 for our very first Holland Club ‘Line-dance’ class and they liked it. It all happened at ‘EasiDance Studio’ in Tampa.
“It was great and many members were very interested and participating. I saw new faces (or maybe they were existing members?) Anyway, het was heel gezellig,” said Hilda Lindner from Sun City. “We learned the Watermelon Crawl and the Salsa Linedance. Food and drinks were plenty and we had a fantastic time,” Els Wiemken from St. Pete smiled. Photo's by Babs Bodamer
Coffee Klatsch at Perkins, Sunday June 8
Sun was shining, birds were singing. Meanwhile, inside Perkins restaurant at East Fowler Ave in Tampa, 16 HC members had a great time for a chat, coffee and pastries. This was our last event before the summer break. We will meet again on Sept 7
Sun was shining, birds were singing. Meanwhile, inside Perkins restaurant at East Fowler Ave in Tampa, 16 HC members had a great time for a chat, coffee and pastries. This was our last event before the summer break. We will meet again on Sept 7
King's birthday party at Duke's café Tampa, Monday April 28
Brigadier-General Henk Jan Maijers and his lovely wife Mieke hosted another King's Day party, Monday-night at Duke's café in Tampa. General Maijers and MCPO Ted Goslinga are returning to Holland next month due to their retirements. The Dutch officers are -together with soldiers from 55 other countries part of USCENTCOM, fighting against terrorism at Macdill AFB in Tampa. Anyway, a limited number of members of our Holland Club was invited for this farewell party and needless to say we had a fantastic time. We sure will miss the always smiling general. He will be the last Dutch general in Tampa. His successor is going to be a Dutch Air-force colonel.
Brigadier-General Henk Jan Maijers and his lovely wife Mieke hosted another King's Day party, Monday-night at Duke's café in Tampa. General Maijers and MCPO Ted Goslinga are returning to Holland next month due to their retirements. The Dutch officers are -together with soldiers from 55 other countries part of USCENTCOM, fighting against terrorism at Macdill AFB in Tampa. Anyway, a limited number of members of our Holland Club was invited for this farewell party and needless to say we had a fantastic time. We sure will miss the always smiling general. He will be the last Dutch general in Tampa. His successor is going to be a Dutch Air-force colonel.
Sunday, April 27 - Koningsdag - Tampa
It was a bit warm, very sunny and the food, llike herring, hamburgers, krentenbollen, kroketten and other home made dishes at our King's birthday party was first-class! Also great was the live music played by Gerard Den Uyl (mouth organ and guitar), and Glenn Caris, (saxophone) a pleasant surprise!
It was a bit warm, very sunny and the food, llike herring, hamburgers, krentenbollen, kroketten and other home made dishes at our King's birthday party was first-class! Also great was the live music played by Gerard Den Uyl (mouth organ and guitar), and Glenn Caris, (saxophone) a pleasant surprise!
NL National Softball team visited St. Petersburg as part of their 2014 training camp in Florida The softball teams of Florida and the National team of the Netherlands played 2 games on at the Admiral Farragut Academy campus in St. Petersburg on Sunday, March 23. Both were won by the Dutch. This was the last game of the NL team during their 23 day training journey through Florida. The Dutch ladies are the present European champions and are preparing for the ISF World Championship Fastpitch Women's Softball 2014 which will take place in Haarlem (NL) in August of this year. The Florida team almost scored 2 home-runs but it was not their lucky day. "These Dutch softball ladies are at a different level and play like professionals," said one of the spectators. "Nice game to look at. This is really high class." Members of the Tampa Bay Holland Club were present to welcome and socialize with the softball champions.
Great food, gorgeous weather and happy faces were the main ingredients of our picnic and barbecue at Compton Park on March 9. Over 40 members showed up and we even had some guests from New Jersey, Canada and Holland.
---------------------------------------------------------- our annual NASI GORENG DINNER & GENERAL MEETING on Sunday, February 9, 2014, was very well attended. After the board was re-elected, president Mieke Caris had a special word of welcome for 5 new members that recently signed up. The food was great and we all had a fantastic time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Year get together on Sunday January 5 in Tampa had big turnout. Over 40 members and guests came out to the Carrollwood Recreation Center where they were treated with oliebollen, appelflappen and other great food. It was a perfect start of 2014
Sunday March 10, 2013 Picnic at Amberley Park, Tampa
Queens birthday party (Koninginnedag) 2013
Queens Day Celebration Netherlands Liaison Team USCENTCOM
April 29, Tampa, Duke's Café
Crowning of King Willem-Alexander, Amsterdam, April 30, 2013
Crowning of King Willem-Alexander, Amsterdam, April 30, 2013
Story and more photo's from the Daily Mail, click on:
Potluck Get Together
Sunday, September 8, 2013 from 2 till 5 PM
Sunday, September 8, 2013 from 2 till 5 PM
Siege of Leiden & André's Royal surprise
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Siege of Leiden & André's Royal surprise
Sunday, October 13, 2013
November 10, Festival of the wine-tasting,
Dutch American Heritage Day
December 5, Coalition Night, Macdill AFB
December 8, Sinterklaas birthday party
December 8, Sinterklaas birthday party
Queen's Day - April 25 - Tampa
Queen's Day - April 25 - Tampa
October 12 - The siege of Leiden
October 12 - The siege of Leiden